Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh controversy

On Tuesday, October 9, 2018, Amelia Penniman posted an opinion article in USA Today.
The article titled “Brett Kavanaugh will trigger historic Democratic
turnout led by women in November election” highlights the fact that the fight for confirmation
of Brett Kavanaugh as Supreme Court Justice might be over but it is probably bound to
result in renewed supremacy battles between Democrats and Republicans.
Penniman additionally, states that Kavanaugh was not only unpopular but also toxic because
even with allegations of sexual misconduct, he still managed to get to the Supreme Court
through a rigged process.
The highpoint of this article is that the confirmation of Kavanaugh is bound to affect
the manner in which Americans will vote in the Mid-Term elections.
According to Penniman, women voters especially are bound to remember the
sexual assault allegations, and the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford ignored by the Republicans
when they go to the ballot on Election Day. This presumption is supported by polls which found
that Americans opposed the confirmation 48 to 42 percent with women alone
opposing it 55 to 37 percent. The role of women in influencing national politics becomes
apparent in this article thereby making it a must-read for anyone who has a keen interest
in American politics and way of life.

work cited
Penniman, Amelia. “Brett Kavanaugh will trigger historic Democratic turnout

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